NaturalRationality - a round-up
A round-up of the most popular posts on NaturalRationality:
In the last issue of Judgment and Decision-Making (Volume 3, Number 2, February 2008),
Epley, N., Akalis, S., Waytz, A., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2008). Creating social connection through inferential reproduction: loneliness and perceived agency in gadgets, gods, and greyhounds. Psychological Science 19 (2), 114–120.
Here is the fourth chapter of "The Philosophy of Social Cognition", the free-e-book-in-progress:Embodied Phenomenology and Narratives
A few papers worth reading:
A study on meta-ethics beleifs (how people see ethical claims):
Important for anyone interested in neuroscience: to a non-expert public, seeing a picture of a brain biases people to give more credibility to a piece of information:
Social cognition: it begins with goal recognition
Jesse Prinz's new book (in a nutshell: morality is emotional and relative to a culture)
Forthcoming in the new journal Neuroethics:
A study on Chimpanzee barter behavior:
Here is the third chapter of "The Philosophy of Social Cognition", the free-e-book-in-progress: Simulation and Theory-Theory
A project I am working on, and my first Latex document (see here for more details on Latex):
If you cannot see the file here, download it there.